Climb into one of the oversized, ornately decorated teacups gathered around an enormous teapot. You’re in for a triple-spinning-action treat! The cups spin in circles around the giant old fashioned decanter. And if that’s not enough spin for you, grab the wheel in front of you and give it a twist to make your cup spin a little faster. The faster you turn the wheel, the faster you rotate. That’s like a spin on top of a spin on top of a spin! Feeling a little dizzy? It’s downright revolutionary.



Book My Show

Park Timings

Monday - Friday 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday/Public Holidays : 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Water Rides close by : 6:00 PM on all days

Child Height between 90 to 140 cm & Senior Citizen aged 60 and above.*
Note: After hours only Sat, Sun & Public Holidays

Designed and Developed by 3DM.Agency